In-person Option
Registration is All-Inclusive and Includes:
5 days/4 nights stay at the conference center
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
2 socials/mixers per day
See conference site tab for more details
To all presentations, exhibits, and receptions
To/from LAX airport (at designated times)
Early Bird Registration: $1490 (Deadline July 1, 2024)
Normal Registration: $1590 (Deadline August 15, 2024)
Late-Breaking Registration: $1690
COVID-19 Safety Guidelines: LAMG 2024 will follow UC and CA guidelines regarding COVID-19 related safety, and will be updated as needed depending on current public health conditions. Please also visit the conference site tab for details on housing accommodations.
Virtual Option:
Registration includes access to all streaming talks throughout the meeting.
Please see registration link below for information and how to purchase tickets
Register for in-person option:
Option 1: Pay by check
Please send a completed registration form and a check made out to the "Regents of the University of California"; in the lower left of the check one should write "Arrowhead Fund"
Please mail checks to (do not mail to the "Regents of the University of California"):
Jeffrey H. Miller (the H. is important)
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Option 2: Wire transfer
Please email ebecket@csusm.edu for wire transfer information
For invoice or payment questions, please email Jeffrey H. Miller at jhmiller@microbio.ucla.edu
Register for virtual option:
Virtual registration will include live feed to the oral symposia with Q&A access.